At this spot, the necessary program can be simply and efficiently arranged in a one-story structure and existing infrastructure can be reused. The spatial logistics corresponds to a simple linear diagram of the demanded functions - expedition, storage, kitchen and display of the prepared food on the one hand, entrance, counter, cashier, exit for the customers on the other. These two movements are intertwined into a, efficient loop.
The basic circular shape accomplishes an coherent presence of the building all around and a maximum of compactness. The '20m-rule' for elevations perpendicular to the shore distorts the ring into an oval. By that, the interior obtains a orientation in order to improve the logistics. The layering of functions is 'inverted', which means that the secondary spaces surround the main hall of the self-service restaurant. The focus lies on the fast purchase of provisions, the direct view to the lake is renounced. Entrance and exits are oriented to both parts of the lawn. The lobby in front of the cashiers separates the 'functional loop' from the entrances and solves the existing problem of conflicting paths.
The interior is lighted and ventilated by openable stoplights. This allows a simple, robust and minimally perforated exterior skin that represents a constant architecture throughout the year - in the summer season as well as in the six month of operational pause. The elevation and roof consists of a skin of mosaic tiles that renders a pixelated fragment of the 'Mythen' mountain.
The building is surrounded by an oval platform - the seating area - and encircled by a small creek. This pool is fed by lake water and connected to a exterior water system and fountain installation on the roof. On very hot days this installation contributes to a natural cooling - the hole building gets wet and reflects in the sunlight, the water runs along the rounded attic back to the pool. The seating area is furnished by evenly spread groups of tables tat are equipped with parasols. By this the covered seats can be adjusted to a various degree between 0% and 100%.
The connecting paths are subordinated by the park. Their appearance is camouflaged by coloring and shape - a green in green inlayed collage.
According to the demand of functionality and sustainability, the main paths are covered by a green asphalt coating that allows easy maintenance and comfort. Secondary paths are covered by water-bound green gravel. The porosity contributes to the ecological balance of the project.
The monumental trees stay untouched, only some of them are lighted at night to enhance the park atmosphere. Around the expedition some small bushes have to be cut for accessibility.

The art piece is located on the southern part of the lawn. It corresponds to the 'small Mythen' - the mountain range that gave the site its name. The pavilion's 'small brother' - a public igloo out of asphalt, a 'cool' sauna at the beach that plays with paradoxical materials and temperatures, soft sounds, light and water. The vault is perforated by a starry sky of glass spheres that sketch light reflections into the interior - an unexpected space and cosy darkness contrasting a glistening summer afternoon.
Team credits: Caro Baumann, Johannes Schele, Bruno Pereira, Freddie Slot, Arnold van Ouwerkerk, Michel Zethof
Landscape architect: manmadeland, Berlin
Christian Bohne
Art: Willi Koch, Amberg
